10 May 2010

It Takes All Sorts

She had been invited for a meal. As far as I knew, they were not going dutch - her friend was going to pay.

Whilst her friend enjoyed her meal, she insisted that her meat was underdone and sent the plate back. Then she commented on the cold vegetables.

Finally she reiterated her disappointment to both the owner and the owner's spouse.

Much to the embarrassment of her friend who had thought it would be a treat.

The High D/C insisted on making her presence felt and opinion known. Regardless of the feelings of her High C/S friend who intensely disliked drawing attention to their table.

Defusing a potential situation required tremendous tact and self control. Which the owner DID exhibit. A classic case to answering wrath softly. Totally disarmed her. Absolutely silenced her.

I had much to learn.

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