I decided to be more adventurous with my choice of lipstick. I felt that it was time that the colours and type I use ought to vary a little.
There was a sale. So I shopped for lipstick. Tested the different ones on the back of my hand, I chose one. Went home to try it on properly and preen in the mirror.

That was episode number one.
Episode number two was when I was waiting . Just killing time you know. Again, a sale was being held. Deciding that I would definitely go for something different, I marched boldly to the lipstick sections. This time I took twice as long to test and confirm the one I wanted.
When I got home, I decided to check the ones I have in comparison. After all, I was going to be more daring!
To my utter disguest with myself, I found an EXACT one already taking its place. Hardly used. Humph!
You can't imagine it getting worse, right? Sigh... If only I was making this up....
Episode three was just two days ago. This time, the shop was different. The sale was big. The time was at night. Again, I was waiting for someone. I took three times as long. I tested every single lipstick on the shelf. Read it again - EVERY SINGLE ONE. Even those that I KNEW would be simply yucky. The back of my hand was a sticky mess by the time I was done.
And yet.
My selection was... dare I post this....
My selection was IDENTICAL to the one I had in my purse and was already using!!!!
Bury head in hands and groan.....
Aunt Liz!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Hilarious!! lol!! Sometimes we just can't change even if we want to eh. hahahhahaha! Get someone else to pick it for u :P tat's wat I do with clothes n stuff, cz I always pick up stuff that looks like everything else I already have! :)
like that also can ah...
hahahha. that's really really funny. it just means that you still wanna stick to what you like.
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