6 July 2009

Being Chinese!

As in most major cities in the world, there are places where the Chinese flock to. Called Chinatown usually, the metropolitan cities host places where good food reminiscent of "home" can be found.

London is no exception.

Chinatown there was frequented by us when we wanted rice by the sack and certain Chinese provision, often in tins.

On our recent visit to London we paid a visit there.

In particular we looked for one shop. Famous for its cheap, good food, it was equally renown for its rude waiters who would shoo you out and/or slam the bill as you gulped down the last bit of Chinese tea.
To our amazement, the cost of a meal there had not increased in the twenty years we had left.
It made us wonder about this Chinese entrepreneur. They go for volume. There are even seats for people who are alone and want a quick meal.
This is being Chinese, no particular personality. This is the culture!

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